Monday, March 1, 2010

Flash Player 10.1 Beta 3 is Released

Adobe has released Flayer Player 10.1 Beta 3 for 32-bit Linux Machines. If you've been reluctant to install Adobe's previous testing releases, now might be time to switch. The Beta 3 release boosts speed and stability over the Ubuntu repository version of Flash and the 10.1 Beta 2 that was released back in mid-December. Flash is still far from prefect, but it's getting better.

To install Flash Player 10.1 Beta 3 in Linux:
First remove your current version of flash
- If you are using the Ubuntu repository version of Flash
in a terminal type:
sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer

- If you are using another version of the Flash Player Beta
rm ~/.mozilla/plugins/

- Download Flash 10.1 Beta3

- Untar flashplayer10_1_p3_linux_022310.tar.gz
tar -zxvf flashplayer10_1_p3_linux_022310.tar.gz

- Then create a plugin folder in the .mozilla configuration folder
mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
(you need to create the plugin folder if your are upgrading from the other Flash beta guides I wrote)

- Install the flash player 10.1 Beta 3 plugin
mv ~/.mozilla/plugins

- To remove Flash Player 10.1 Beta 3 and reinstall Ubuntu's repository version of flash
rm -r ~/.mozilla/plugins
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

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1 comment:

DumbOtaku said...

Just Thought I would throw this out there, but if you are using chromium and want use the latest flash you need to copy to


It will start working then. I made sure to remove all previous flash versions popped the new one in there and voila.

Another option is to create a symbolic link to the file in your user folder then you just update that one everytime without copying it to the other folder.

Anyway just throwing that out there since others are probably using old flash with chromium