Thursday, December 24, 2009

Flash Player 10.1 Beta 2 is Released

Adobe has just released Flayer Player 10.1 Beta 2 for 32-bit Linux Machines. I'm enjoying the improvements over the Ubuntu repository version and the 10.1 Beta that was released back in mid-November. Flash is still far from prefect, but at least it's getting better.

- To install Flash Player 10.1 Beta 2 in Linux:
First remove your current version of flash
If you are using the Ubuntu repository version of Flash
in a terminal:
sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-installer

- If you are using the Flash Player 10.1 Beta
rm ~/.mozilla/plugins/

- Download Flash 10.1 Beta 2

- Untar flashplayer10_1_p2_linux_121709.tar.gz
tar -zxvf flashplayer10_1_p2_linux_121709.tar.gz

- Then create a plugin folder in the .mozilla configuration folder
mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins
(you can skip this step if your are upgrading from the 10.1 Beta guide I wrote)

- Point the terminal into the newly decompressed file
cd ~/install_flash_player_10_linux

- Install the flash player 10.1 Beta 2 plugin
mv ~/.mozilla/plugins

- To remove Flash Player 10.1 Beta 2 and reinstall Ubuntu's repository version of flash
rm -r ~/.mozilla/plugins
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

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melipone said...

I think there's a typo that the last removal step should refer to the 10.2 beta, not the 10.1. Thanks!

Lyderic said...

Well it looks like the latest is not 10.2 but 10.1 beta 2, hence the confusion.

gfe said...

On my Karmic setup, the plugin was in /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin. To try out the beta, I merely changed the name of the old and put the new in its place.

The beta works beautifully. I'm now able to watch full episodes of ABC shows on Hulu, which I wasn't able to do before without the video becoming a slide show that was out of sync with the sound. Also, the beta uses the processor less.