Friday, July 31, 2009

Chromium, Now with Real Flash Support

Chromium now has "official" support for 3rd party plugins.

Chromium is the open source project behind the Google Chrome web browser. While still in development, it is shaping up to be a feature rich browser. Last time we wrote about it, there was a short lived work around to get Flash working. Updates to the browser quickly broke the hacked Flash support. This morning, I updated Chromium and noticed this in the start screen.

- Click to enlarge

Plug-ins (e.g. Flash) are part-way implemented and will cause frequent crashes. Use --enable-plug-ins to turn them on if you're okay with that; the browser is otherwise quite stable.

To install Chromium use this guide.

To Enable Plugins (e.g. Flash)
In a terminal type:
-This will bring up Ubuntu's menu editor

- In the editor, navigate to the Applications>Internet>Chrominum Web Browser
- Right click the entry for Chromium and select Properties

- In a Launcher Properties box, add --enable-plugins in the command box
- The command to launch Chromium should now read: chromium-browser --enable plugins
- Click close


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