Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Free Ubuntu Stickers

Free as in the cost of stamps and envelopes. System76 is offering Powered by Ubuntu linux stickers for your netbook. I don't know why Dell didn't put these on the Mini's that shipped with Ubuntu. I just sent for mine, I'll post a few pics when they come in.

In the United States Send a self addressed stamped envelope to:
System76, Inc. (Free Sticker)
1582 S. Parker Rd. Ste. 310
Denver, Colorado 80231

Don't live in the US? Don't sweat it. Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and Venezuela all have there own offers. CLICK HERE for your local address.

Have a question or problem that this article doesn't cover?
Ask our Ubuntu Mini 9 Google Group for help.


Anonymous said...

Sweet; thanks for the heads up. I already got my envelopes ready to mail tomorrow.

Drew Martell said...

I ordered mine about a year ago and never got them. I live in Ontario, and I sent to

Ubuntu Sticker Offer
2448 Cadboro Bay Rd.
Victoria BC
V8S 4C1


redDEAD said...


Thats sucks I've sent in four 4 batches and received everyone.

Anonymous said...

For Italy:


hello :)

Anonymous said...

Just received mine from the US address. They also threw in a small strip of tiny, grey-on-black Ubuntu logos, perfect for covering up the Windows logo on the "super" key. A bit large for the Mini's keyboard but a nice touch. Hm, now if I could just get some F11 and F12 stickers...

Drew Martell said...

Hm, it's been about 6 months (or since this post) and still haven't received them.

redDEAD said...


How much did you pay for them?

Drew Martell said...

They are free, but I thought they'd arrive in at least a year. Anyone else have any luck other than the author?