Ubuntu's commitment to only include completely free software by default means that proprietary media formats are not configured 'out of the box'.
Configuring these formats after a fresh install is simple. This guide will allowing you to play Flash, Java mp3, aac, DVDs ,mp4, avi, wmv and many more formats. It also installs the Microsoft true type fonts for better compatibility with Word documents.
In a terminal type:
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
your guide rocks! Have you figured out how to make the sdhc reader work yet? Thanks!
It works out of the box
Hmm. I tried this, but I can't get past the Java license screen in the terminal. How do I get past that?
its been a while but use tab and enter
damnit i tried this but all that comes up is
E: couldnt find package ubuntu-restricted-extras
the command is correct, try again.
is something wrong. I can't get any of the packages such as unr or the restricted-extras
All I get is couldn't find package....
Ubuntu increasing popularity is the problem. The servers are getting hammered by new users. Patience is key.
If the terminal is rocket science to you then:
Change the top show field to "All Available Application"
Search> Type Restricted in the search box for Ubuntu Restricted Extras
Enable unsupported resticted software
When installed Close
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